NYS Museum Field Trip

We will meet at the museum no later than 9:45am and, depending on how many students attend, are scheduled for 2-3 separate program times. The educators at the museum insist that students are broken up into grades for separate programs. Families are welcome to explore the museum on their own while students are in their program. We will have a space reserved for us to eat lunch, but may not be able to eat together as a group because of the program schedule. Entrance to the museum as well as all programs are free, but you may need to pay to park. Parking is available in the two lots adjacent to the Museum, both located off of Madison Avenue. Prior to 10:00 a.m., the parking fee is $10. After 10:00 a.m., the parking fee is $5. Parking is free after 2:00 p.m. A visitor lot is available in the Empire State Plaza.

10-10:30am: kids aged pre-K to grade 1 : Cradleboards and Cornhusk Dolls

Explore the life of an Iroquois child of 500 years ago with stories and interactive objects and a visit to a full size replica of a Mohawk Iroquois longhouse on a winter’s night. Visit a hands on classroom and Three Sisters growing field exhibit. This program takes place in a classroom and the Longhouse and Three Sisters growing field exhibits.

11-11:45am: Grades 2-4: People of the Longhouse 12-12:45pm: Grades 5 and up: People of the Longhouse

What were Iroquois culture, community, and confederacy like over 500 years ago? Students will examine archaeological evidence, first-hand accounts, and step into a full-size reconstruction of a Mohawk longhouse to explore the material culture, values, and daily-life of Iroquois families. Students will discover the many types of evidence they need to build a deeper understanding of the lives of the men, women and children who lived 500 years ago in an Iroquois village. This program takes place in a museum classroom and the Longhouse.

Although these programs are free, I will need to confirm the number of students attending. Please mark it on your calendar and plan to attend if you sign up, so that we are able to go to future programs as well.

Date & Time: 
Friday, October 19, 2018 - 9:45am
Minis (Under 4)
Little Kids (4 to 6)
Middle Kids (7 to 9)
Big Kids (10 to 12)
Teens (13 and up)
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